BLACK DEATH | A Story of Human Resilience

A new chapter in the award-winning Global Pandemics series, “Forty Days” tells the story of Giana, a young girl, daughter of a baker, living in Venice during the Black Death. Her ordeal concerns whether to abandon her sick father and flee to the country or stay and take care of him—a common dilemma for people during Black Death Europe, who were often forced to abandon relatives to a miserable lonely death. Supported by funding from INVO’s N.XT Ed Tech Seed Funding Competition and the Alumnae of Northwestern University.  


“Forty Days”

Black Death App by Spencer Striker, PhD

The Black Death digital learning app is being built using Unity 3D for iOS, Android Tablet, and the web, as a fully interactive, animated learning experience for students to better comprehend the global tragedy that swept across Asia and Europe during the 14th century, and which influenced world history for centuries to come. 

“Forty Days” tells the story of Giana, a young girl, daughter of a baker, living in Venice during the Black Death. Her ordeal concerns whether to abandon her sick father and flee to the country or stay and take care of him—a common dilemma for people during Black Death Europe, who were often forced to abandon relatives to a miserable lonely death.

Preproduction Artwork

Where History Meets Humanity.

In the midst of the Black Death's merciless siege on Europe, a young girl, Giana, faces a decision that echoes the plight of millions. In this immersive digital learning app, navigate through the eerie, deserted streets of Venice and the emotional turmoil of a world under the shadow of a pandemic. Will you choose to flee and seek solace in the countryside, or stay and care for a dying father? 'Forty Days' invites you to not just learn history, but to live it. Experience a story of survival, sacrifice, and the human spirit in the darkest of times.

History Adventures on Social Media


Chaos Corp | Troll Farm Simulator (Coming 2024)


Plague of Athens | Chromebook Web App (2022)